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We are delighted to announce our first online competition.

The Overall Winner will receive a £200 cash prize.

In each category we will give 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes sponsored by the following companies:









We will also give out Gold, Silver, Bronze and Isa Certificate to all competitors who will reach the marks.


Available categories:




We would like to see in this Category:

  • We are welcome any child contestant aged between 9-14.

  • The decoration is fully up to the competitor, but the base (cake board) should not exceed 30x30cm.

  • No height limitations. Internal support is permitted but external not.

  • Every covering and decorative element has to be suitable for human consumption.

  • The theme is ANIMATION/CARTOON

  • We require 1 picture of the cake, 1 picture of the cake with the competitor's name/logo on, 1 picture of the competitor during cake making and 1 picture of the competitor with it's cake.

  • Please send the photos to by 31/12/2020. 

  • Entries closing date: 15/12/2020.




-Sculpted Cakes


We would like to see in this Category:

  • In this category we welcome any different form-cut, carved and shaped creations. Internal support is allowed to use.

  • The cake has to be 80% edible, the rest of the 20% can be Rice Krispies Treats or cake dummy (Styrofoam).

  • Any shape and height allowed within a 60x60cm base.

  • We require 1 picture of the cake, 1 picture of the cake with the competitor's name/logo on, 1 picture of the cake being cut, 1 picture of the competitor during cake making and 1 picture of the competitor with it's cake.

  • Please send the photos to by 31/12/2020. 

  • Entries closing date: 15/12/2020.




-Decorative Artistic Display


We would like to see in this Category:

  • In this category, we welcome any shape, size and themed statues/figurines or statue groups, which must fit a 60x60cm base.

  • No height limitation, internal support is allowed, but external not.

  • Use of Styrofoam base permitted, minor lighting and sound effects may be used but, of course, do not over dominate the completion piece.

  • Every covering and decorative elements has to be suitable for human consumption.

  • The judges looking for a unique designs of a chocolate, sugar, marzipan or tragant creations where specially made decorative techniques were used and spatial-3 dimensional artistic creations.

  • We require 1 picture of the cake, 1 picture of the cake with the competitor's name/logo on, 1 picture of the competitor during cake making and 1 picture of the competitor with it's cake.

  • Please send the photos to by 31/12/2020. 

  • Entries closing date: 15/12/2020.




-Sugar Flowers


We would like to see in this Category:

  • The flower bouquet/display must be a minimum of 7 pieces of flowers composition, which does not exceed a maximum of 40x40cm base.

  • No height limitation.

  • The flowers are must be botanically correct.

  • We would like to highlight the importance of the veining of the petals, leaves and proportion.

  • Colour harmony and balance is also important.

  • Flower buds and filling flowers do not count as full-flowered flowers. In each composition at least 2 different types of flowers should be used.

  • Use of stigma and thread in the middle part is permitted, but false leaves are not.

  • We recommend the attention and focus on the correct sizes, for colour use and consistency on overall impact.

  • We require 1 picture of the bouquet, 1 picture of the cake with the competitor's name/logo on, 1 picture of the competitor during cake making and 1 picture of the competitor with it's cake.

  • Please send the photos to by 31/12/2020. 

  • Entries closing date: 15/12/2020.




-Wedding Cakes


We would like to see:

  • In this category we welcome any minimum 3 tiered Styrofoam (cake dummy) with any wedding designs that fits in a 45x45cm base.

  • There’s no height limitation. It is fully up to the contestants how they would like to dazzle the judges with their creativity and imagination.

  • Cake stands and separators are permitted to use.

  • Floral wires and armatures are permitted to be used.

  • Also use of florist tape to wrap wires, and posy pick or plastic holder equipped for flowers or other quillwork/decorative items that can be fit to the cake.

  • Contestants please note that in this category the overall impression, technical execution will be judged too.

  • We require 1 picture of the cake, 1 picture of the cake with the competitor's name/logo on, 1 picture of the competitor during cake making and 1 picture of the competitor with it's cake.

  • Please send the photos to by 31/12/2020. 

  • Entries closing date: 15/12/2020.



To enter please visit here


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