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  • In this category, welcome any shape, size and theme of the little statues/figurines or statue groups, which fit into a 30x30x30cm cube.
  • Internal support is allowed, but external is not.
  • Also use of Styrofoam is allowed, but all of the covering and decorating elements must be made of edible materials that suitable for human consumption.
  • The judges looking for a unique designs of a chocolate, sugar, marzipan, isomalt or tragant creations where specially made decorative techniques were used and spatial-3dimensional artistic creations.
  • This is the category we favour those contestants, who are aged between 14-19, and are pastry students at college. We looking for only their registration.

The winner of this category will receive a sponsorship worth of a £400

CDLC Sponsorship – IKA Olympics Germany 2024 - Jr Pastry Chef (College Student)

SKU: 022
  • Non-Edible Category - It will not be tasted!

  • There are no refunds, although we are able to change categories on request. Entries can not be carried over to the next show!

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