- We would like to see a macaron display that contains minimum 30 pieces, this should include 20 pieces of 1,5 inch (not decorated, regular) and 10 pieces of 2 inch (with different wedding design) hand-painted and/or decorated, which fits in a 40cm x 40 cm base.
- Feel free to make more than 30 pieces in total with different sizes and shapes.
- For display purpose only non-edible stands, displays, Styrofoam cones, decorative elements etc. are allowed to use.
- They will be tested for regularity and appearance as well.
- Please pay attention for standard sizes etc.
- Also they will go under taste testing, so we kindly ask you to place 5 out of the regular sized macarons on 5 different plates for the judges.
- The theme: Wedding table
- Please don’t forget to indicate the ingredients (list) for to avoid allergic reaction.
SKU: 006
Edible Category - It will go under flavour and texture tasting!
There are no refunds, although we are able to change categories on request. Entries can not be carried over to the next show!